Tuesday, March 24, 2009

around san antonio: SAMA







as promised, more pictures from the SAMA

Monday, March 23, 2009

around san antonio: sculptures at the SAMA


a few pictures of some of the sculptures found at the San Antonio Museum of Art...more pictures to come hopefully later on in the week.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


baby jack: baptism

a few pictures from jack's baptism in february.

Monday, March 16, 2009

around san antonio: luminaria

luminaria is an event put on by a couple of art organizations in san antonio...i think...anyways, it's a night filled with lights, dancing, music, poetry, food...it's a lot of fun and really neat to see downtown lit up with all different kinds of lights...more to come of the san antonio symphony later on in the week.

around san antonio: dog park

a few pictures from the dog park that i didn't even know existed. clementine and geoffrey would have a lot of fun playing with all of the dogs there. the man that is jumping in the picture is trying to protect his food from being stolen by the poddle that is going after it.

around san antonio: antiques

a few of the antique stores on hildebrand

Monday, March 9, 2009

the zoo with john huss and gardner

moblie uploads

I went to the zoo this weekend with Matthew, John Huss and Gardner. I'll try to get some of those photos up tonight.

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