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I know have a new photo blog! You can get there by going to
Read more...I read on weather that there's a 30% chance of rain on Sunday...30%. That's 10% more than last time when it rained here in San Antonio. I mean, we're practically predicting a thunderstorm here. It has been such a dry summer. A few of my plants have died and I can't bring myself to buy new ones. Not yet anyways. Maybe if it pours on Sunday I'll consider it.
Anyways, here's a picture from a while ago when I drove to Bellville. I was ten minutes from my house when I was diverted because the road was flooded. Here's wishing for rain...
Whenever I get the chance, I reminisce about my time in Italy. Last night I spent a little time going through some pictures in preparation for a book I making about my time there. I kept a journal almost everyday and took over 1200 pictures, which, looking back isn't a lot considering I was there for three months, but at the time, it felt like a lot. I just love to look back at all of the photographs. Each one holds a different memory for me. I would give anything to go back and just walk through a week in the life of my days as a student at Santa Chiara in Castiglion Fiorentino...waking up to go running in the hills before the rest of the town wakes, showering and walking up to Hermes for breakfast and to spend time reading and working on my Bible study (I seriously did that almost every day), going to class, walking to the train station to take the train to Florence. Once in Florence heading straight for the open air market and getting a bag of dried fruit before spending the afternoon walking around and then heading back to a home cooked Italian meal every single evening. Life cannot be any better, I'm convinced. So, to reminisce with me, here are a few pictures from my trip...I'm sure as I work more and more on the book, you'll be seeing more on here, and probably more stories as well.
Happy Wednesday!
Last night I decided to explore the world of hand drawn, digitally colored prints. I ordered one from etsy a while ago but for some reason, last night I realized that it isn't that difficult. I spent all of maybe an hour drawing, scanning, coloring and printing two images. Today I bought some nice cardstock and printed them out on there. They look really nice. I love the simplicity of them. I am turning the following one into a painting. I'm getting carried away.
This afternoon I took my laptop to Starbucks, my all time, favorite office. My laptop is old and runs pretty slow. It needs a new battery and the time resets every time I turn it on (because I need a new battery). But I don’t care. It’s totally worth doing a little work (nothing too intense) at my office away from my home office, ahem…desk in my bedroom. I’ve considered moving my computer to another room in the house so it would seem more like an office, but then I wouldn’t be able to watch movies in bed, haha.
Anyways, last week my mom totally turned me onto a new drink at Starbucks. Well, I don’t know if it’s new or not, but I’ve never had it before. It’s the Coffee Light Frappacino and it is awesome. It’s sweetened with Splenda so it has a 1/3 fewer calories than a normal frappacino. My normal drink is a soy latte with cinnamon, but in this terrible heat wave and drought we’re having, the frappacino is just the remedy I need.
Get ready for a long post. Last week I was in Laredo with the high school youth group from Redeemer Presbyterian Church, where Matthew is the youth director. We joined up with a church from Pennsylvania to help build the sanctuary of Iglesia La Vid and to help with their vacation bible school. It was so tiring. I helped with the vacation bible school every day. In the morning we spent an hour dancing, then we had some craft time, game time, music time, and snack time. We finished vbs off with more dancing! It was one of the best work outs I've had in a long time. For lunch, women from the church prepared meals for us each day and in the afternoon I helped in the sanctuary. I worked to put up sheetrock and supervise some of the youth. I also took pictures...lots and lots of pictures:
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